Street literature in Modern England: an analysis of the representations of the criminal woman and the witchcraft in the pamphlet The most cruel and bloody murder (1606)




Early Modern England. Street literature. Women and witchcraft.


The present article intends to carry out an analytical examination of the representations of women and witchcraft in Modern England based on street literature, focusing on the narrative of the pamphlet The most cruel and bloody murder, published in 1606 seeking to understand the role socially played by printed in the construction of misogynistic images in the context of the reform undertaking since the 15th century in Europe.


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Author Biography

Jeane Carla Oliveira de Melo, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão (IFMA)

Doutoranda em História Social pela UFMG

Professora de História do IFMA

São Luís,Maranhão, Brasil

Endereço: Rua Auxiliar II, Serro Mirador, bloco II, apto 401, Cohajap, São Luís - Maranhão, cep 65072-790



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How to Cite

Melo, J. C. O. de. (2020). Street literature in Modern England: an analysis of the representations of the criminal woman and the witchcraft in the pamphlet The most cruel and bloody murder (1606). Revista Eletrônica História Em Reflexão, 14(27), 278–299.