About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Revista Eletrônica História em Reflexão (REHR) is is an international peer-reviewed journal published by Master's and Doctoral students from the Programa de Pós-Graduação em História of Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (PPGH-UFGD).

REHR receives contributions in a continuous flow, aims to disseminate academic works developed in the area of History that make it possible to reflect on historical history, as well as on its relations with diverse fields, such as Literature, Sociology, Anthropology, Geography, Linguistics, among others, in order to provide a more specific understanding of the historical field. In addition, it does not favor a thematic specificity, in that it provides for the disclosure of original works. Thus, there is a session of free articles and one of dossier, that each edition will give the specific specificities. The Revista Eletrônica História en Reflexão (Journal on History in Reflection) is intended for the academic world: graduate and postgraduate students from the most diverse areas that are interested in published works, as well as for undergraduate and postgraduate professors.

Peer Review Process

All texts will be submitted to two reviewers, who will receive the texts without the identification of the authors, in case there are divergences among the reviewers, the work will be sent to a third consultant. The publication may be conditional to adjustments requested by the Editorial Board.

All published works are the sole responsibility of their authors, the sending of these works implies the granting of the copyright related to this publication.

  The authors will receive reports of the progress of the work in the Editorial Board, the names of the reviewers will always remain confidential.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to decide on the timeliness of publications.

Publication Frequency

The Electronic Magazine History in Reflection has a semiannual periodicity. 
However, it receives articles, interviews, previous notes, reviews, dissertation
abstracts and theses, and unpublished sources in continuous flow.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that 
providing free scientific knowledge to the public provides greater global democratization
of knowledge.