
  • Jean Volnei Fernandes Secretaria de Educação do Distrito Federal
  • Valdir Adilson Steinke Universidade de Brasília - UnB
  • Alfonso Garcia de la Vega Universidade Autônoma de Madrid


Palabras clave:

teaching, landscape, photogeography, transdisciplinary and deaf education


One of the great challenges for elementary school teachers involves the inclusion of students with some disability, so the search to develop new teaching-learning procedures must be a constant in the school process. This research aimed to apply a geoiconographic proposal with deaf students enrolled from the 6th to the 9th grade of elementary school, in a public school in the Federal District-Brazil, in this perspective it was envisaged to find the relationships and possibilities of teaching-learning based on three axes, landscape, photogeography and transdisciplinary, as instruments that enhance geographic thinking for deaf students. The methodological procedures involved qualitative research, using semi-structured interviews and field activities. The semi-structured interview made it possible to understand the relationship between deaf students 'belonging to Geography, the didactic resources used in Geography classes, the existing relationships between students' daily lives and Geography classes, and how imagery resources can be considered facilitators in learning of this group of students. The field activity made it possible for students to recognize the different landscapes existing in their city, in order to relate them to concepts and geographical phenomena. Photographic cameras were used to obtain the images, distributed individually to the students. From the images obtained, and using Libras as a language, a didactic intervention was carried out in which the students visualized the photos, constructing / reconstructing their concepts and geographical meanings. This construction process culminated in the elaboration and presentation of banners from the photos obtained by the students for the school community.


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Biografía del autor/a

Valdir Adilson Steinke, Universidade de Brasília - UnB

Possui graduação em Geografia (Bacharelado e Licenciatura Plena) (2001), Mestrado em Geologia (2003) e Doutorado em Ecologia (2007). Atualmente é Professor Adjunto da Universidade de Brasília. Têm experiência na área de Geografia, com ênfase em Análise Ambiental, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: bacia hidrográfica, análise da paisagem, patrimonio natural, biogeografia, planejamento e área de imagem (fotografia e cinema) na geografia.


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