The creation of the Geoparque Bodoquena-Pantanal and the production of the "tourist territory" in the municipality of Nioaque - MS


  • Cecilia Aparecida Costa UFGD
  • Edvaldo César Moretti UFGD



Geoparks. Nioaque. Tourism. Geosites. Dinosaurs.


The Geoparque Bodoquena-Pantanal was created in Mato Grosso do Sul in 2009. Its area with extension of 39,700 km² covers thirteen municipalities. However, in the research carried out chose to concentrate attention on Nioaque, because this municipality is the most demonstrates interest in the geopark project. That way, this article aims to present the main reasons that led Nioaque to have this behavior different from the other municipalities involved, as also, to point out the current repercussions of this participation in the production of a tourist territory. As methodological procedures were used bibliographic survey and conducting interviews with leaders of the Geoparque Bodoquena-Pantanal, leaders of Nioaque and local entrepreneurs who, were participating in the production of this territory.


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How to Cite

Costa, C. A., & Moretti, E. C. (2018). The creation of the Geoparque Bodoquena-Pantanal and the production of the "tourist territory" in the municipality of Nioaque - MS. ENTRE-LUGAR, 9(18), 169–193.


