The winds study' in the central area to Juiz de Fora city (MG): a test of the specialization of its flows


  • Daiane Evangelista de Oliveira
  • Débora Couto de Assis
  • Franciele de Oliveira Pimentel
  • Cássia de Castro Martins Ferreira UFJF
  • Yan Carlos Gomes Vianna INMET/UFJF



Wind. Air movement. Urban climate factors. Urban climate.


Winds are complex, changeable and very unpredictable, being able can bring
numerous benefi ts or disorders to society. However, there are still few Brazilian climatology studies which has this variable as the central element of the research. After starting from this context, and whereas to have has different urban climate barometric gradients, produced from materials that constituent the cities (naturals or anthropics), which the objective of this study is mapping and see the possible directions of the winds at the center of Juiz de Fora (MG), considering the possible factors that would influence the air flow (relief and height of the buildings) and the formation or not of wind corridors. The study was carried out using of research in fi eldand laboratory, in using make ArcGIS
10 software and arrived at the conclusions that the direction of the winds varies mainly according to the location of the point and time of day; show constancy in the speed of the winds, prevailing those of up to 3 km in the low region of the city (up to 700 meters) and up to 6 km in the UFJF point , that is located at an altitude of 940 meters of altitude; and inconstancy in the direction, with no predominant directions.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, D. E. de, Assis, D. C. de, Pimentel, F. de O., Ferreira, C. de C. M., & Vianna, Y. C. G. (2017). The winds study’ in the central area to Juiz de Fora city (MG): a test of the specialization of its flows. ENTRE-LUGAR, 8(16), 86–111.


