When geography meets art: the esthetic of the Baroque Rio de Janeiro





City, Literature, Representation


Th is article presents a step of the “Geo-literary Ways: old and new regards
that meet each other” project that intends to research and to analyses the aesthetic of Rio de Janeiro baroque. It is about an innovative educational proposal and a didactic-pedagogical action involving the disciplines geography and literature, accomplished by two institutions directed to teaching activity, the UFRRJ - Agricultural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the State College - Amaro Cavalcanti. Th e project tries to think about the representations of the city of Rio de Janeiro taking as reference the literary writers with young students of Average Education and make them consider the interaction between real and fi ctional spaces from readings and fi elds works in the geo-literary ways inspired by the fi ctional spaces of the selected works. Our desire is to breach with the linear and segmented study on the urban Carioca and to understand the artistic one – in the manifestations of literature, painting or architecture – as being it proper object of geographic study.


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Author Biographies

Adriana Carvalho Silva, UFRRJ

Professora Adjunta do Departamento de Teoria e Planejamento de Ensino da UFRRJ


Professora de Literatura e Língua Portuguesa do Colégio Estadual Amaro Cavalcanti


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How to Cite

Silva, A. C., & Fontes, E. M. G. (2017). When geography meets art: the esthetic of the Baroque Rio de Janeiro. ENTRE-LUGAR, 8(15), 38–50. https://doi.org/10.30612/el.v8i15.7506


