Thermal comfort and different weather types in the Recife city (PE)


  • Pedro Felipe Cavalcanti dos Santos Universidade Federal de Pernambuco / Departamento de Geografia
  • Ayobami Badiru Moreira
  • Caio Américo Pereira de Almeida
  • Ranyére Silva Nóbrega



Urban climate. Climate rhythm. Heat island. Quantiles technique. UTI.


The present article aimed to study the urban climate of the city of Recife and its conditioners. Such as the urban structure and the atmospheric systems in progress, focusing on the space-time identification of areas of greater and lesser thermal comfort. Thereunto, it was used the method of rhythmic analysis, quantile calculations and the Temperature and Humidity Index (THI), with the month of January 2016 as a study period. Meteorological data provided by the station 82.900 of the Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET), by seventeen data stations of the Agência Pernambucana de Águas e Clima (APAC) and also by eight Data Collection Stations (DCS) were used, In addition to queries to satellite images. Finally, the ninth and twenty-ninth days were classified as "extremely rainy" and three days (16, 18 and 22) as "very rainy". THI was calculated for days 04, 09 and 22, representing the "extremely dry", "extremely rainy" and "very rainy" classes respectively. The weather systems analyzed have shown to be strong conditioners of temperature and thermal comfort in Recife, the eastern sector of the city was more uncomfortable than the west one. The
eastern sector of the city, besides being more uncomfortable, was less humid and less rainy than the western sector. It is still unknown if this pattern repeats in other month or if it is characteristic of the space in the city of Recife, but other studies should be developed to investigate this phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Santos, P. F. C. dos, Moreira, A. B., Almeida, C. A. P. de, & Nóbrega, R. S. (2017). Thermal comfort and different weather types in the Recife city (PE). ENTRE-LUGAR, 8(16), 12–31.


