Commodification of urban climates and the creation of socioclimatic injustices in Santiago de Chile




Environmental injustice. Urban microclimate. Urban ventilation. ENVI-met. Microclimate simulation.


Santiago de Chile is an example of a concentration of political power, economic activities and socio-environmental problems in Latin America. Through the analysis of satellite images and microclimate simulations using ENVI-met model, the objective was to analyze the transformations in land use and land cover associated with its recent urbanization at the scale of Local Climate Zones and their thermal and ventilation attributes, in two communes with different designs: Estación Central, lower middle class with the so-called “vertical ghettos”, and Vitacura, upper class with the so-called “Sanhattan”. While disorderly urban growth with buildings 100 m high at Estación Central adversely changed the urban climate, increasing hot spots, reducing humidity and hindering ventilation, in Vitacura buildings coexist in harmony with green infrastructure, wide avenues and wooded areas.


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How to Cite

Romero, H., & Mendes, F. H. (2020). Commodification of urban climates and the creation of socioclimatic injustices in Santiago de Chile. ENTRE-LUGAR, 11(22), 40–56.


