Descriptive analysis of profile and satisfaction of gruta do lago azul (Bonito, Brazil) visitors


  • Roseli Fontes Masutti UFSCar
  • Heros Augusto Santos Lobo UFSCar



Tourist attraction. Show caves. Satisfaction degree. Tourism in caves. Serra da Bodoquena.


Caves are differentiated natural resources for the tourist use, due to their environmental characteristics, although they are relatively more fragile environments. The gruta do Lago Azul is one of the most visited show caves in Brazil, with approximately 50.000 visits annually. In this context, a research was carried out with visitors of high season (2017 Easter holiday) to verify the aspects that motivate them to visit the cave, as well as their perception in relation to the services provided, the quality of the environment and, finally, their satisfaction with the tourist experience. The results show that the visitors evaluate to be less positive the aesthetic interference of the access infrastructures inside the cave and the food services. Besides these, the overall evaluation of the visitors was positive, with a high degree of satisfaction about the evaluated items. It is concluded that the various aspects that are involved in the planning and management of tourist caves should also to consider the position of visitors on the tourist experience, in order to assist the management of tourism.


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Author Biographies

Roseli Fontes Masutti, UFSCar

Bacharelanda em Turismo, bolsista de Iniciação Científica PIBIC/UFSCar.

Heros Augusto Santos Lobo, UFSCar

Professor do Depto. de Geografia, Turismo e Humanidades, área de Turismo.


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How to Cite

Masutti, R. F., & Lobo, H. A. S. (2018). Descriptive analysis of profile and satisfaction of gruta do lago azul (Bonito, Brazil) visitors. ENTRE-LUGAR, 9(18), 86–105.


