Analysis of curriculum pattern of the tourism graduation (2010) in the state University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande campus


  • Daniela Sottili Garcia UEMS
  • Fellipe de Lima Cuengas



Tourism. Education. National Curricular Guidelines. Pedagogical Project. Curricular Matrix.


The present study had as main objective to analyze the curricular Matrix of the Course of Tourism with emphasis in Entrepreneurship and Public Policies of the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul in the University Unit of Campo Grande. The specific actions focused on identifying strengths and weaknesses of this Model through a bibliographical survey supported by the National Curricular Guidelines (2006) and the Pedagogical Project of the mentioned course (2010), as well as semi-structured interviews with the members of the Structuring Teaching Committee and with graduates of the first class, and finally, analysis of the final reports of self-assessments of the Course, allowing to visualize the coherence of the present disciplines to the field of action of this academic. After the theoretical discussions and interviews, through the Lefèvre Method of Collective Social Discourse; Lefèvre (2003), it was diagnosed that the Curricular Matrix meets the norms of the Ministry of Education with integrality, but the Committee responsible for this function must be attentive to the trends of the tourist activity, from the local to the global scope, valuing the themes of the Course , thus forming constant debates and meetings of adaptations of this Model. Finally, this research proposes adaptations to this Curricular Model in view of present trends, mainly local and regional.


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Author Biographies

Daniela Sottili Garcia, UEMS

Curso de Turismo

Fellipe de Lima Cuengas

Bacharel em Turismo, Licenciado em Letras e Especialista em Gestão Escolar e Coordenação Pedagógica.


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How to Cite

Garcia, D. S., & Cuengas, F. de L. (2018). Analysis of curriculum pattern of the tourism graduation (2010) in the state University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande campus. ENTRE-LUGAR, 9(18), 223–250.


