What Bonito is this one? Territorial disputes on lands agro-eco-tourism


  • Angelo Franco do Nascimento Ribeiro Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados




Tourism. Agriculture. Livestock. Preservation.


This work has as objective to analyze the process of construction of tourism practice in areas of traditional agricultural production in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The municipality of Bonito located in the southwest of the state has in your history of non -indigenous occupation the livestock production until mid of the 1980s as the only predominant activity exploring mainly fields with native pasture around the Serra da Bodoquena. After the mid-1980s, the agriculture began to occupy flatter areas with fertile soils and the tourism began to appreciate the rivers and clear waterfalls with springs in the Serra da Bodoquena. Agriculture had a cycle of rise up to the mid-1990s when it lost space for livestock that it became more profitable. However, in the middle of 2010, it again occupying new areas by pressing areas of springs and plains. The scenario created by this entanglement of economic activities led to the construction of agro-eco-tourism, where the rural producers are also tourism entrepreneurs, bringing to the tourism and environmental agenda, the conservatism and truculence making it difficult any advance in environmental protection. Thus, the "echo" stay only in marketing and speech.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, A. F. do N. (2018). What Bonito is this one? Territorial disputes on lands agro-eco-tourism. ENTRE-LUGAR, 9(18), 37–67. https://doi.org/10.30612/el.v9i18.8824


