Mario Quintana and the Porto Alegre city/RS: Dialogues between geography and literature


  • Priscila Viana Alves Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Elis de Araújo Miranda Universidade Federal Fluminense



Place, Literature, Mario Quintana, Humanistic Geography, Geografi city


This paper presents an analysis of the relation between Geography and Literatura expressed in Mario Quintana’s A vaca e o hipogrifo (1983). The selected poems are considered as a fundamentally spatial poetic (ALVES, 2009, p. 206). Th e relation between Geography and Literature is fruitful since the geographical tradition beginnings. However, recent are the analyses that approach this theme by recovering this methodological rejected dialogue along the geographical thought history. Th e school denominated Humanistic Geography valorizes the academic marginalized geographies and valorizes the spatial representations seen in art, especially literature, in the world interpreted by subjectivity. The poetic imagination of Mario Quintana has a singular characteristic of place connection, because it is developed from the experience in and with the space and with the subjects which Quintana shared specific places in Porto Alegre/RS.


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How to Cite

Alves, P. V., & Miranda, E. de A. (2017). Mario Quintana and the Porto Alegre city/RS: Dialogues between geography and literature. ENTRE-LUGAR, 8(15), 25–37.


