The urban climate as a social construction in the context of the production of the peripheral urban environment in the east zone of São Paulo


  • Fernando Rocha Reis Universidade de São Paulo
  • Emerson Galvani



Urban climate. Production of the space. Landscape. Microclimate. Spatial segregation.


The urban climate as a social construction is understood as the result of the interrelationship between society and environment in the process of unequal production and reproduction of the aforesaid environment. In Brazilian cities –
marred by social inequality —, this is a noticeable characteristic to leave traces in the urban landscape through socio and spatial segregation and the differentiated utilization of a given city. In other words, the above-mentioned elements reflect not only on the microclimate of the diverse neighborhoods but also on the city. Thus, the type of urbanization of high standard neighborhoods differs from the one of low standard neighborhoods in terms of afforestation, offer of urban equipment, size of domiciles, building material, among other characteristics. In this sense, this paper – The urban climate as a social construction in the context of the production of the peripheral urban environment in the East zone of São Paulo – aims to illustrate how the unequal production of the environment culminates in the production of different microclimates. This study is also intended to interpret the process of unequal
production of the urban environment, its consequences in the urban climate
– seen as a social construction.


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How to Cite

Reis, F. R., & Galvani, E. (2017). The urban climate as a social construction in the context of the production of the peripheral urban environment in the east zone of São Paulo. ENTRE-LUGAR, 8(16), 112–130.


