Chinese urban-regional planning as an axis of economic and social development


  • Vitor Vieira Fonseca Boa Nova IPPUR/UFRJ



Economic and social development, Urban and regional planning, Urban and transport projects, China, Territory


The economic and social development that China has experienced in recent decades is no longer a topic of debate, but rather a fact. Denying the technological and productive advances and their impact on improving the quality of life of the Chinese population is, today, a denial of reality. What this article aims to demonstrate is that this development process has, as one of its strategic elements, political and governmental intervention through the formulation and implementation of plans and projects with territorial implications and impacts. Urban and regional planning emerges as one of the main drivers of Chinese development, manifesting itself in a regionally based urbanization process driven by urban and transport projects, which highlights the ability to simultaneously enhance the country's productive forces and improve societal living conditions. In this sense, the central question is to understand the main patterns and contributions that the Chinese urban-regional planning experience offers to other countries also striving for economic and social development.


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How to Cite

Vieira Fonseca Boa Nova, V. (2024). Chinese urban-regional planning as an axis of economic and social development. ENTRE-LUGAR, 15(30), 203–227.