Dynamics of the maquilator industries in Paraguay


  • Claudia Vera da Silveira UFGD




Maquila Law, Maquiladoras, Paraguay, Jobs


The general objective of this article is to analyze the dynamics of the maquiladora industries in Paraguay. The methodological procedures used in the research were: semi-structured interviews with representatives of the public and private sectors, photographic records and maps. Secondary data obtained from the National Chamber of Industries of Maquiladora de Exportación (CNIME) was also used. The results indicate that there is a unique dynamic in the performance of maquiladora companies that initially materializes in the heating of the internal economy of the country and the generation of jobs and wages.


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How to Cite

Vera da Silveira, C. (2022). Dynamics of the maquilator industries in Paraguay. ENTRE-LUGAR, 13(26), 127–148. https://doi.org/10.30612/rel.v13i26.15687


