The exploitation of mineral coal in Mozambique, the commodities cycle and the labor crisis




Mining. Labor crisis. Brasil-Mozambique


This article aims to analyze the modernization process from the mining of coal in the Moatize district in Mozambique. The analysis presentes the relationship between Brazil and Mozambique, established mainly from the 2000x – in the contexto of the commodity boom and the expansion of financial credit -, it presentes the main conglomerates that explore the commodity in the African country and the local impacts thought above all by the labor category. The research exposes how the development of productive techniques enabled a new level of productivy, generating overproduction and at the same time acentuares the processo f expropriation of local residentes and the labor crisis.


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How to Cite

Vieira, V. (2021). The exploitation of mineral coal in Mozambique, the commodities cycle and the labor crisis. ENTRE-LUGAR, 12(23), 391–411.



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