Empirical research: narrative of an experience in Mozambique





Mozambique. Empirical Research. Neoextractivism.


The present essay narrates the difficulty and the importance of empirical research in Geography in countries of economic, political and social instability, which leads to tensions and conflicts. Based on the experience in Mozambique, where I toured the territories of the neoextraction of the multinational Vale SA, crossing Malawi, I report the problem of carrying out empirical research for the production of information, the researcher's commitment to his object of study and the importance of the social function of the geographer. Their objective is to invite the reader to reflect on the territorial impacts of neoextractive multinationals and the difficulties and importance of empirical research in Geography in territories, sometimes, not so receptive to external perspectives.


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How to Cite

Whitacker, G. (2021). Empirical research: narrative of an experience in Mozambique. ENTRE-LUGAR, 12(23), 152–184. https://doi.org/10.30612/el.v12i23.14796



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