The genesis of Chavantes - SP until the first half of the 20th century: rural-urban relation




Chavantes. Genesis. Rural-Urban Relation. Coffee. Railway.


The objective of the work is to present the rural-urban dynamics of Chavantes until the first half of the twentieth century, a moment of rupture due to changes in the productive processes and the intensification of urbanization, bringing new roles to the town before the rural area. This work considers the following elements that influenced the genesis of the municipality of Chavantes: the trails expansion of the E.F. Sorocabana (Sorocabana Railway) and the coffee trees towards the central-west region of São Paulo at the beginning of the 20th century. To carry out the work, regarding the understanding of the town genesis, we consulted the bibliography on the history of Chavantes and Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo (of which Chavantes was a former district) as well as census data, with the main purpose of analyzing urban-rural elements during the mentioned period. A field survey was carried out in June 2018, to collect information about historical aspects and the rural-urban dynamics, which were not clarified by the bibliography consulted. It was understood that the origin of Chavantes is directly related to the coffee expansion and the insertion of the railway, as well as that the development of the municipality in the analyzed period is linked to the two elements mentioned, which are important in the rural-urban relation.


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Author Biography

Franciele Miranda Ferreira Dias, Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL)

Doutora em Geografia, UEL.

Professora Substituta no curso de Licenciatura e Bacharelado em Geografia na UNESP (Câmpus de Ourinhos).


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How to Cite

Dias, F. M. F. (2020). The genesis of Chavantes - SP until the first half of the 20th century: rural-urban relation. ENTRE-LUGAR, 11(22), 267–287.


