
scales and strategies of the pharmaceutical sector



Palabras clave:

Pharmaceutical sector, Medication, Production, Marketing, Prescriptions


Researchers from several fields of knowledge have dedicated themselves to the investigation of the origins, materializations, and outcomes of the "medicalization" phenomenon. Aiming to help this debate, it was conducted a broad survey and analysis of the numbers that surround the theme, especially regarding the growth of production, marketing, and consumption of medicines on a global and national scale (Brazil). The results point out that the global pharmaceutical market had revenues of $1.25 trillion. The twenty largest companies in the sector have an aggregate market value of US$ 2.87 trillion. In Brazil, there are 454 pharmaceutical industries and 116,100 pharmacies. The production of medications reaches 162 billion doses in the country and the twenty-six largest national pharmaceutical companies have combined revenues of R$ 38.7 billion. There is also an increase in the marketing investment in the sector, which has reached R$ 10.8 billion. Two pharmaceutical companies lead the ranking of the largest advertising investors in Brazil.



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Biografía del autor/a

João Henrique Santana Stacciarini, Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)

Professor Substituto de Geografia do CEPAE/UFG e Doutorando em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG/IESA). Exerceu, de 2017 a 2019, função de Professor Substituto do Curso de Geografia da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU/FACIP). 

José Henrique Rodrigues Stacciarini, Universidade Federal de Catalão (UFCat)

Professor Titular do Instituto de Geografia da Universidade Federal de Catalão (UFCAT).


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Cómo citar

Stacciarini, J. H. S., & Henrique Rodrigues Stacciarini, J. . (2022). Medicalization: scales and strategies of the pharmaceutical sector. Revista Da ANPEGE.