Art-geographical intertwinements in the place-work insurgency

Creative Geographies’ textures and dynamics between Instituto Inhotim and Centre d’Arts et de Nature de Chaumont-sur-Loire




Perception, Geopoetics, Encounter, Dwelling, Contemporay Art


The dialogue between art and Cultural Geography propitiates a fertile context for discussions on existential spatialities concerning embodied, sensorial and affective engagements. In this context, we investigate how the bodily-perception dynamics of contemporary art installations function as places for immersing subjects. To do so, we correlated four artworks, two in Instituto Inhotim de Arte Contemporânea at Brumadinho/MG and two in Centre d’Arts et Nature du Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire in France. Based on Creative Geographies and existentialist phenomenology, we proceeded through an analysis centred on embodied-perception immersion in the selected installations. Thus, fieldwork also resulted in poems and illustrations utilized in this essay. We comprehended that artworks, particularly installations, not only are in places, but constitute places in their own right: place-works. In the interconnectivity between subjects-place-artworks, there is a dynamic of meanings that highlight existential dimensions of geographical reality.


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Author Biography

Carlos Roberto Bernardes de Souza Júnior, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA/Caxias)

Possui graduação em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (2015), graduação em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (2016), mestrado em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (2017) e doutorado em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (2022). Atualmente é professor substituto da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, geógrafo voluntário (bacharel) na ONG Casa das Bem Aventuranças e pesquisador no grupo "Geografia Cultural: Territórios e Identidades" (LABOTER/UFG). Tem experiência na área de Geografia, com ênfase em Geografia Humana, atuando principalmente nos seguintes áreas: Geografia Cultural e Humanista; Geografia, Literatura & Arte; (Eco)Fenomenologia; e Teoria e Método em Geografia. 


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How to Cite

Bernardes de Souza Júnior, C. R. (2022). Art-geographical intertwinements in the place-work insurgency: Creative Geographies’ textures and dynamics between Instituto Inhotim and Centre d’Arts et de Nature de Chaumont-sur-Loire. Revista Da ANPEGE.