considerações sobre controvérsias científicas e políticas para mudanças climáticas
clima, história da ciência, política, mudanças climáticas, climate, history of science, politics, climate change, historia de la ciencia, cambio climáticoAbstract
From a critical approach, this article aims to analyze historical aspects of the sciences, specifically those concerned with understanding the climate and its transformations. It seeks to discuss the controversies from different scientific perspectives on climate change, specifically the clash between scientific knowledge located at the center of the discussions (and whose central theory is global warming) and perspectives that start from other assumptions and different ways of think about the phenomenon - for example, those who understand the climate as a historical-geographical phenomenon. The article also makes a reflection on the influences of physical meteorology in the formulation of policies focused on the theme, whose objectives fall in mitigating actions to the detriment of territorial adaptation initiatives.
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