Stationary emission of fuel motors with biodiesel / diesel blend


  • Camila Coelho Guimarães Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia
  • Vivianni Marque Leite dos Santos Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco
  • Jorge Wilson Cortez Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados



spatial analysis, biofuels, sound pressure


The diesel engines, present in the machines and equipment used in the agricultural environment, present themselves as main sources of noise emission, due to the combustion process. Excessive exposure to this physical agent can cause damage to the health of operators and reduce their productive performance. As biodiesel has been gradually inserted in the energy matrix, the objective was to evaluate the possible changes in the emission of stationary diesel engine noise using diesel/biodiesel blends (B25 and B40), which are composed of biodiesel blends of soybean and castor oil (S100M0, S75M25, S50M50, S25M75 and S0M100) at different speeds (3500, 2900, 2200 and 1500 rpm). Also considered was the distance radius of the source of sound emission and the position in relation to the engine. The data were treated through analysis of variance, Tukey test and spatial analysis. The use of biodiesel blends of soybean and castor oil in mixtures containing up to 40% of biodiesel in diesel is feasible in terms of noise emission, since the means do not differ from each other, regardless of distance, position and rotation, with results similar to that obtained with diesel B7. The sound pressure is picked up with a smaller magnitude, depending on the increase of the radius of separation, as well as with the reduction of the rotation. In addition, there was a higher noise emission to the left position due to the presence of the exhaust and the need to use ear protection up to 3 m away from the engine.


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Author Biographies

Camila Coelho Guimarães, Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia

Mestre (UNIVASF); UFOB. Centro Multidisciplinar de Bom Jesus da Lapa.

Vivianni Marque Leite dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco


Jorge Wilson Cortez, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados

Doutor (UNESP); UFGD.


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How to Cite

Guimarães, C. C., Santos, V. M. L. dos, & Cortez, J. W. (2019). Stationary emission of fuel motors with biodiesel / diesel blend. Agrarian Journal, 12(45), 354–366.



Article - Agricultural Engineering