Blood glucose and ammonia excretion rate as metabolitics indicators of the activity of exotic enzymes in Nile tilapia




Enzymatic blends. Glycemic curve. Tilapiculture.


The glycemic curve and the excretion of ammonia rate are methods used to assess the variation in glucose and the excretion of the nitrogen compound ammonia due to changes in the amount of carbohydrates and proteins, respectively, available in the diets. However, reports are scarce regarding its use in research related to the use of exogenous enzymes in fish feeding. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate blood glucose levels and ammonia excretion as metabolites indicators of the efficiency of the activity of exogenous enzymes in diets for Nile tilapia. Therefore, two tests were performed, where the composition and concentration of phytase, alpha-amylase and protease enzymes were tested. The treatments were composed of a control diet (DC), which was later supplemented with a blend 1 containing 100ppm phytase + 200ppm protease, a blend 2 composed of 100ppm phytase + 400ppm protease, then blend 3 containing 200ppm phytase + 200ppm protease + 133ppm alpha-amylase, and blend 4 with 200ppm phytase + 400ppm protease + 200ppm alpha-amylase. The blood glycemia peak of the Nile tilapia occurred in the first 4 hours post tilapia feeding in all treatments evaluated. The diets supplemented with phytase, protease and alpha-amylase promoted higher levels of blood glucose, whereas peaks of ammonia excretion occurred at 2h, 4h and 8h after fish feed, which may be related to increased protein availability by supplementing the diets with the protease. Blood glucose concentrations and ammonia excretion rate can be indirect indicators of the efficiency of digestive enzyme activity in Nile tilapia.


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Author Biographies

Veruska Dilyanne Silva Gomes, University Federal of Paraíba

Bachelor's degree in  Animal Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (2011), a master's degree in zootechnics from the Federal University of Paraíba (2014) and a PhD from the Federal University of Paraíba (2018) in a PhD program in ZOOTECNIA. Substitute professor at the Federal University of Paraíba

José Humberto Vilar da Silva, University Federal of Paraíba

He holds a BS in Animal Science from the Federal University of Paraíba (1987), a Master's degree in Zootechny from the Federal University of Viçosa (1991), a PhD in Animal Science from the Federal University of Viçosa (1999) and a Postdoctoral Degree from the University of Georgia (2015). He is currently professor of the EBTT career at the Federal University of Paraíba. She has experience in the area of Animal Science, with emphasis on Animal Nutrition, working mainly on the following topics: nutritional requirement, food evaluation and nutrigenomics of the sulfurous amino

Cácio Ribeiro Cavalcanti, University Federal of Campina Grande

Graduation in Animal Science (UFPB), Master in Agro-Food Technology (UFPB). Doctorate in Agricultural Engineering (UFCG)

Alda Lúcia de Lima Amâncio, University Federal of Paraíba

He holds a degree in Animal Science from the Federal University of Paraíba - Centro de Ciências Agrarias (2000), a master's degree in Fisheries Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará (2003) and a PhD in Zootechny - UFPB / UFRPE / UFC (2011). He is currently a professor at the Vidal Agricultural College of Negreiros / Federal University of Paraíba. He has experience in the area of Animal Science, with emphasis on PISCICULTURA, working mainly on the following topics: fish farming, nipple nutrition and tambaqui nutrition and physical-chemical parameters of water.

José Jordão Filho, University Federal of Paraíba

He holds a bachelor's degree in Agricultural Sciences from the Federal University of Paraíba (2002), MSc, PPGZ (2004) and PhD in Animal Science (PDIZ) from the Federal University of Paraíba (2008). Currently, he is part of the teaching staff of the Department of Animal Science of the Center for Human, Social and Agrarian Sciences of the UFPB, as Professor of Technical and Technological Basic Education with guidance at PPGTA / CCHSA / UFPB. Adviser of research projects in the Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarships of the CNPq at UFPB. Project Awarded at the XXI Scientific Initiation Meeting of the UFPB, valid for 2013-2014 with the title: Growth Curves and Deposition Rate of Body Components of Light and Lightweight Chickens. Again, there was a Project Awarded at the XXII Meeting of Scientific Initiation of the UFPB, valid 2014-2015, titled: Requirement of Digestable Methionine Based on Two Commercial Sources for Posture Hens. Consultant of Periodicals. He has experience in the area of Animal Science, with emphasis on Poultry and Fish farming, working mainly on the following topics: food assessment, nutritional requirements and experimental statistics.

Viviane da Silva Medeiros, University Federal of Rio Grande do Norte

Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (1987).
Specialization in Homeopathy by the Pernambuco Society of Homeopathy (2002), Master in Psychobiology by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (2007), PhD by the Program in Psychobiology of UFRN working with behavior and sanity of aquatic organisms (2015). Professor of the Specialized Academic Unit in Agricultural Sciences, Escola Agrícola de Jundiaí / UFRN. Interest in raniculture, health of aquatic organisms, bioethics, animal welfare and breeding of pets.


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How to Cite

Gomes, V. D. S., Silva, J. H. V. da, Cavalcanti, C. R., Amâncio, A. L. de L., Jordão Filho, J., & Medeiros, V. da S. (2020). Blood glucose and ammonia excretion rate as metabolitics indicators of the activity of exotic enzymes in Nile tilapia. Agrarian Journal, 13(50), 521–528.



Article - Animal Production