Grinders and homogeneiers used in grain sampling in storage units




Grinders. Sample of work. Sampling of grains.


Sampling and homogenization of grains, which involves the actions of sample withdrawal, dilution and the preparation of the working sample, are essential in the representativeness and classification of the commercialized batch. Storage units should use sampling methods that provide safe collection and classification of the product, generating the necessary discounts and optimizing unit operations of grain preprocessing. The grain homogenizers must be efficient in the uniformization and division of the sample, besides being fast and low noise level during the operation. Thus, the objective of this study was to detail the procedures and equipment used for sampling, homogenization and dilution (reduction) of work samples, in the determination of the quality of grains upon receipt and dispatch in storage units. The equipment for grain sampling (pneumatic probe, manual composite calender 1.8 m brass with three stages, 2.1 m manual composite caliper with three stages, manual composite caliper 2.10 m of one stage and sampler pelican type. Also described the grain homogenizers Boerner, 16:1 multi-channel reducer and 4:1 multi-channel reducer. Therefore, the storage units must use sampling methods that offer security in the collection and classification of the product, generating the necessary discounts and optimizing the unit operations of the pre-processing of the grains. The grain homogenizing equipment must be efficient in standardizing and dividing the sample, in addition to presenting speed and low level of noise during operation.


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How to Cite

Resende, O., Quirino, J. R., Rosa, E. S., Souza, T. A. de, & Queiroz, C. A. R. (2020). Grinders and homogeneiers used in grain sampling in storage units. Agrarian Journal, 13(50), 593–601.



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