Acceptability of products made with immunocastrated male pig meat




Cured coppa. , Meat quality. , Sensory analysis. , Tuscan sausage.


The aim of this study was to evaluate the acceptability of products sausages, cured and roasted, made with meat from male pigs submitted to two types of castration. In making the cured coppa (CC), a cut of approximately 400 grams of each selected animal was used. In the tuscan sausage (TS), a portion of the loin was collected from each animal. The samples were separated according to the sexual category, mixed with the same amount of spices. In the CC and TS products, the analyzed variables showed no difference (P> 0.05) between the sexual categories. The CC acceptability index was 77.7 and 78.8%, for castrated male (CM) and immunocastrated (IM), respectively. For TS, the acceptability index was 74.1 and 76.9%, for CM and IM, respectively. Sensory analysis showed no difference in consumer acceptability of products cured coppa and tuscan sausage, manufactured from cuts of castrated and immunocastrated pigs.


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Author Biographies

Henrique da Costa Mendes Muniz, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.

Marrone da Silva dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.

Luciane Inês Schneider, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.

Arlei Rodrigues Bonet de Quadros, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.

Vladimir de Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.


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How to Cite

Muniz, H. da C. M., Santos, M. da S. dos, Schneider, L. I., Quadros, A. R. B. de, & Oliveira, V. de. (2021). Acceptability of products made with immunocastrated male pig meat. Agrarian Journal, 14(53), 371–378.



Article - Animal Production