Business plan for the humus production in big bags system




Organic fertilizer. Reuse of organic waste. Sustainability. Bioeconomy.


With the implementation of the NSWP (Law 12,305/10), the search for sustainable solutions for the management of organic solid waste was expanded, one of the environmentally and economically viable alternatives is vermicomposting. Our aim was to analyze a business plan for the implementation of a vermicompost production model in a Big bag system, originating from plant and animal waste. Big bag with 1,000 kg of capacity were used (reused chemical fertilizers bags). For the humus production, it was mixed: dry leaves (6.25%), tanned manure (72.13%), water (15.62%) and earthworms (Eisenia Foetida, 6%) from the rural property. These materials were stored in the Big bag, the entire transformation process into humus took place in 73 days, with a final production of 320 kg of humus / 0.542 m³ with a humidity of 47%. The system was composed of three Big bags that corresponded to a production module, and for this evaluation two modules were used, thus obtaining the final staggered production of 320 kg / month. Through financial indicators (ROI, TIR, NPV and Payback) it was possible to obtain a return of 60,68%, which was equivalent to R$ 667,44/month, it was found that the return on the initial investment is concluded in the third month in this business model, in addition to cash of R$ 261,25/month equivalent to ¼ of a minimum wage (R$ 1,045.00). It was found that the production of humus in Big bags + vermicomposting is viable for rural producers, for being a new income alternative and helps to reduce environmental impacts caused by the incorrect disposal of organic waste generated in rural properties.


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Author Biography

Allison Marques Soares, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD)

Academico de EngAgrícola UFGD


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How to Cite

Soares, A. M., Canassa, A. L., Xavier, J. C., Vasconcelos, P. E. A., & Carducci, C. E. (2020). Business plan for the humus production in big bags system. Agrarian Journal, 13(50), 556–566.



Article - Agribusiness