Deposition, backlog and composition of litterfall in Caatinga area preserved


  • Cheila Deisy Ferreira University of Brasilia Darcy Ribeiro University Campus, Brasília-DF | CEP 70910-900
  • Jacob Silva Souto Federal University of Campina Grande Center for Rural Health and Technology Forestry Engineering Academic Unit
  • Patrícia Carneiro Souto Federal University of Campina Grande Center for Rural Health and Technology Forestry Engineering Academic Unit
  • Francisco das Chagas Vieira Sales Federal University of Campina Grande Center for Rural Health and Technology Forestry Engineering Academic Unit
  • Roberto Ferreira Barroso Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG)
  • Carlos Magno Pereira de Souza Junior Federal University of Campina Grande Center for Rural Health and Technology Forestry Engineering Academic Unit



contribution of litter, nutrient cycling, dry forests


The objective of this work was to estimate the litter production, accumulation and decomposition rate in the Conservation Unit of the semi - arid region of Paraíba. To evaluate the waste production we used twenty collectors of 1.0 m², with nylon mesh bottom, collected monthly. To quantify the stock of accumulated waste, a metal structure with dimensions of 0.5 x 0.5 m was used, which were randomly arranged. The litter decomposition rate was estimated by the annual fall of the litter and the average annual accumulation of litter. Twenty collectors were systematically distributed in seven transects, and comparison of means by Tukey test. The total deposition of litter during the three study periods was 3,335.64 kg.ha-1, a contributing leaf fraction with 71.75%. The deposition of litter in the Caatinga obeyed the following order: leaf> twig> reproductive material> miscellaneous. The decomposition coefficient was 0.58, indicating that a litter decomposition in the Caatinga is slower than a humid tropical forest.


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Author Biographies

Cheila Deisy Ferreira, University of Brasilia Darcy Ribeiro University Campus, Brasília-DF | CEP 70910-900

Doctor student in Forest Science

University of Brasilia
Darcy Ribeiro University Campus, Brasília-DF | CEP 70910-900

Jacob Silva Souto, Federal University of Campina Grande Center for Rural Health and Technology Forestry Engineering Academic Unit

Teacher in Forestry Enginnering
Forestry Engineering Academic Unit
Federal University of Campina Grande

University Avenue, Patos - PB

Patrícia Carneiro Souto, Federal University of Campina Grande Center for Rural Health and Technology Forestry Engineering Academic Unit

Teacher in Forestry Enginnering
Forestry Engineering Academic Unit
Federal University of Campina Grande

University Avenue, Patos - PB

Francisco das Chagas Vieira Sales, Federal University of Campina Grande Center for Rural Health and Technology Forestry Engineering Academic Unit

Teacher in Forestry Enginnering
Forestry Engineering Academic Unit
Federal University of Campina Grande

University Avenue, Patos - PB

Roberto Ferreira Barroso, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG)

Master in Forestry Enginnering
Federal University of Campina Grande

Carlos Magno Pereira de Souza Junior, Federal University of Campina Grande Center for Rural Health and Technology Forestry Engineering Academic Unit

Forestry Enginnering Student
Forestry Engineering Academic Unit
Federal University of Campina Grande

University Avenue, Patos - PB


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How to Cite

Ferreira, C. D., Souto, J. S., Souto, P. C., Sales, F. das C. V., Barroso, R. F., & Souza Junior, C. M. P. de. (2019). Deposition, backlog and composition of litterfall in Caatinga area preserved. Agrarian Journal, 12(44), 174–181.



Article - Soil Science