Morphometric characteristics, cutting yields and centesimal composition of hybrid tambacu


  • Francisco Alex Lima Barros Federal University of Pará (UFPA)
  • Marcos Alan da Silveira Brito Federal University of Pará (UFPA)
  • Daniele Sousa da Silveira Federal University of Pará, (UFPA)
  • Marcos Ferreira Brabo Federal University of Pará, (UFPA)
  • Carlos Alberto Martins Cordeiro Federal University of Pará (UFPA)



Aquaculture, fishing technology, carcass yield, chemical composition.



The aim of this research was to evaluate morphometric characteristics, cutting yield and centesimal composition of hybrid tambacu. We used (n=40) samples distributed
in a completely randomized design, composed by four treatments referring to the weight classes (T1=800-1,000g, T2=1,001-1,200g, T3=1,201-1,400g e T4=1,401-1,600g) and 10 repetitions. We evaluated the following morphometric parameters: head length/standard length (HL/SL), head length/head height (HL/HH), standard length/ total length (SL/TL), trunk width/trunk length (TRW/TRL), trunk width/trunk height (TRW/TRH), and trunk height/trunk length (TRH/TRL), and the following yield (%): Carcass (gutted fish), clean trunk, fillet with skin, fillet without skin, and from the skin, leavings in “V”, visceral fat index (VFI), spine, head and residue. In addition, we determined the centesimal composition of fillet (n=5). The parameters, HL/SL and TRW/TRH showed effect (p<0.05). It was noticed significant differences between skin yields and visceral fat index (VFI), with mean values of 8.55% and 3.05%, respectively. In the evaluating of centesimal composition, only the humidity did not present significant difference among the treatments. The highest values of lipids (LP) were 10.54%, in T2 and 16.68% for crude protein (CP), in T4. Concluding, fish in treatment T3 presented the best morphometric relations as well as the cutting yields. Among the treatments, T4 presented the suitable levels of lipids and the highest values of crude proteins in the fillets.


Keywords: Aquaculture, fishing technology, carcass yield, chemical composition.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Alex Lima Barros, Federal University of Pará (UFPA)

Bachelor in Fisheries Engineering from the Federal University of Pará, Master's Degree in Animal Science by the Graduate Program in Animal Science at UFPA, Campus Castanhal-PA, Brazil, E-mail:

Marcos Alan da Silveira Brito, Federal University of Pará (UFPA)

Bachelor in Fisheries Engineering from the Federal University of Pará, currently works as a Fishery Engineer-Environmental Management Technician at the Environment and Sustainability Secretariat (SEMAS-PA), Belém-Pará, Brazil E-mail:

Daniele Sousa da Silveira, Federal University of Pará, (UFPA)

Graduation of the course of Fishing Engineering by the Federal University of Pará, Campus of Bragança-PA, Brazil E-mail:

Marcos Ferreira Brabo, Federal University of Pará, (UFPA)

Bachelor in Fisheries Engineering from the Federal Rural University of Amazonia, PhD in Science and Animation by the Graduate Program in Animal Science at UFPA, is currently a Ph.D. Professor of the Fisheries Engineering course at UFPA Campus of Bragança-PA, Brazil E-mail:

Carlos Alberto Martins Cordeiro, Federal University of Pará (UFPA)

Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Pará, PhD in Plant Production from the Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, currently PhD Professor of the Fisheries Engineering course at the UFPA Campus of Bragança-PA, Brazil E-mail: marcos.brabo@hotmail .with


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How to Cite

Barros, F. A. L., Brito, M. A. da S., Silveira, D. S. da, Brabo, M. F., & Cordeiro, C. A. M. (2019). Morphometric characteristics, cutting yields and centesimal composition of hybrid tambacu. Agrarian Journal, 12(43), 89–96.



Article - Animal Production