Priming protocols on Lactuca sativa seeds evaluated by image analysis


  • Vitor Henrique Vaz Mondo Embrapa Rice & Beans
  • Francisco Guilhien Gomes Júnior Univesity of São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura 'Luiz de Queiroz', Crop Science Department
  • Silvio Moure Cicero Univesity of São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura 'Luiz de Queiroz', Crop Science Department
  • Mark A. Bennett The Ohio State University
  • Miller B. McDonald The Ohio State University


Lettuce seeds, osmoconditioning, physiological potential, seed quality


Seed priming treatment is seen as a viable and common technology to reduce time between seed sowing and seedling emergence. Normally the priming evaluation is conducted by germination assays, however for vigor analysis of seed lots, more precise, quick and efficient tests are desirable and it could be reach using the image analysis technique. This work aimed to analyze the efficiency of the Seed Vigor Image System (SVIS) evaluating priming protocols for lettuce seeds. Using two varieties, and two lots each, the priming treatments were conduct with PEG 8000 osmotic solution on four different duration, zero, 12, 24 and 36. For physiological potential evaluation, germination, seedling emergence and SVIS tests were conducted. The results obtained in this study have confirmed that SVIS is a practical and valuable approach to evaluate the efficacy of priming treatments in Lactuca sativa seed lots considered commercially valuable.


Author Biography

Vitor Henrique Vaz Mondo, Embrapa Rice & Beans

Possui graduação em engenharia agronômica (2004) e Doutorado em Fitotecnia (2010) pela Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agrilcultura "Luiz de Queiroz". Em 2008 foi pesquisador visitante da "The Ohio State University"(EUA) onde desenvolveu pesquisas na área de tecnologia de sementes. Tem experiência na área de fitotecnia, com ênfase em tecnologia de sementes, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: vigor e desempenho em campo, análise de imagens e produção de sementes de milho. Entre 2009 e 2012 atuou na área de produção de sementes de soja e Stewardship na Monsanto do Brasil Ltda. Atualmente é pesquisador na área de fitotecnia na Embrapa Arroz e Feijao em Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO.



How to Cite

Mondo, V. H. V., Gomes Júnior, F. G., Cicero, S. M., Bennett, M. A., & McDonald, M. B. (2013). Priming protocols on Lactuca sativa seeds evaluated by image analysis. Agrarian Journal, 6(22), 402–409. Retrieved from



Article - Plant Breeding