Organic lettuce production under doses of rock dust, organic compost and efficient microrganisms




Lactuca sativa L. , Agroecology, Remineralizer


The a aim was to evaluate the effect of soil organic fertilization on production variables of iceberg lettuce. The experimental design was in split-split-plot with 4 replications. The treatments were randomized, and the first split-plot had three doses rock dust:  no dust, 500, and 1000 g m2. In the second split-plot, three doses of organic compost were tested: none, 34.66, and 69.32 t ha-1. The use or non-use of EM was assessed in the split-split-plot. Data were subjected to analysis of variance, with significant interactions revealed. The means were calculated using the LSD test (Least Significant Difference) with a 5% probability. In the end, Pearson's correlation heatmap was used with a 5% probability. It’s stands out that utilization of the organic compost promoted higher influencing the variables total fresh and root fresh mass, root dry mass, total head diameter and leaf area estimative. The addition of rock dust influenced the root fresh weight, stem length and total leaf number, and EM promoted an increase total head diameter.


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How to Cite

Augusto, J., de Sena, J. O. A., Hata, F. T., da Cunha, F. A. D., & Campos, T. A. (2022). Organic lettuce production under doses of rock dust, organic compost and efficient microrganisms. Agrarian Journal, 15(55), e15153.



Paper - Agronomy