Bertrand Russell: atheism, agnosticism and analytical philosophy in the 20th century




Bertrand Russell. Atheism. Agnosticism. Analytical philosophy.


This work presents the emergence and meaning of the “public atheism” and the “philosophical agnosticism” of the Englishman Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) from the texts he produced particularly in the 1890s and 1920s. To achieve this goal, I chose to highlight in the article: 1) the historiographical debate about the identification of the author as an atheist and agnostic; 2) the origins of his religious disbelief in the English philosophical scene of the 1890s and the criticisms he directed to religious doctrines and institutions in the 1920s; 3) assessments of the British thinker's atheism and agnosticism. Based on these points, I hope to highlight the contribution of this philosopher to the history of ideas about atheism and agnosticism.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Oliveira da Silva, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS)


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How to Cite

Silva, R. O. da. (2020). Bertrand Russell: atheism, agnosticism and analytical philosophy in the 20th century. Fronteiras, 22(40), 151–172.