Fault lines after the Cold War: the vertical expansion of the concept of security, securitization and human security


  • Carlos Frederico Pereira da Silva Gama Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro


Security. Securitization. Human Security.


The paper approaches the “vertical expansion of the concept of security” reconstructing the debate on the concept of security within the discipline of International Relations after the Cold War. Considering that security is an “essentially contested concept”, it offers a handful of comparisons between different conceptions, which provide different accounts of “broadening” security. Barry Buzan’s Securitization approach was the first to engage seriously the challenges of “broadening” security in IR. For its merits, however, Buzan’s communitarian ontology poses a problem to “broadening” security, as it reiterates the state as the gatekeeper of protection and as the authoritative site for defining existential threats. In this sense, in spite of all its overriding ambiguity, Human Security provides a better alternative for the “vertical expansion of the concept of security” than securitization. The paper, therefore, considers the respective contributions of securitization and human security to the debate on the vertical expansion of security under the light of the relationship between states and human beings.


Biografia do Autor

Carlos Frederico Pereira da Silva Gama, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

Doutor e Mestre em Relações Internacionais pelo IRI/PUC-Rio, graduado em Relações Internacionais pela PUC-Minas, pesquisador CNPQ e FAPERJ (projetos sobre os países BRICS na ordem internacional em transformação). Áreas de interesse incluem Modernidade, história conceitual, humanitarismo, segurança internacional, BRICS, via teoria crítica, pós-estruturalismo, pós-colonialismo e abordagens estéticas das Relações Internacionais. Publicações recentes incluem “Modernity at Risk: Complex Emergencies, Modernity, Sovereignty” (2012, Lambert Publishing, Alemanha – co-autora Jana Tabak) e “Após a Guerra, Estabilidade? Mudanças nas Operações de Paz da ONU 1992-2000” (2014, Paco Editorial, Brasil). 




Como Citar

Gama, C. F. P. da S. (2014). Fault lines after the Cold War: the vertical expansion of the concept of security, securitization and human security. Monções: Revista De Relações Internacionais Da UFGD, 2(4), 12–45. Recuperado de https://ojs.ufgd.edu.br/moncoes/article/view/2805



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