
Palabras clave:

Climatological Series. Neural networks. Arima. Multiple Regression.


Air temperature is a key variable used to assess climate change. It is essential for many applications and impact studies in science. However, missing values in observed air temperature time series are quite common, which jeopardize its use for climate studies. In order to fill in missing maximum and minimum temperatures data from 21 stations from 1980 to 2017 in the main Brazilian capitals, we used three models: multiple linear regression (MRL), artificial neural network (ANN), and the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA). In the annual averages, the ANN and MLR models presented a better performance in filling the missing data as compared to the ARIMA model, especially for maximum temperature. Seasonally, ANN overestimated the maximum and minimum temperatures, but it and the MLR model presented the best results (R²> 0.7) for all seasons, except winter. The ANN was the most suitable model to fill the missing data of maximum and minimum temperatures, even though it could be improved with the increase of the training on its networks. This study contributes to the understanding of essential methodologies for the use of climatic time series.


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Cómo citar

Correa, M. de J., Lima, K. C., Silva, J. M. da, & Medeiros, G. C. de. (2021). FILLING OF FAULTS IN CLIMATOLOGICAL AIR TEMPERATURE SERIES IN BRAZILIAN STATE CAPITALS FROM 1980 TO 2017. Revista Brasileña De Climatología, 29, 251–272. Recuperado a partir de




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