Horizontes - Revista de Educação ISSN 2318-1540 2022-12-12T13:07:55+00:00 Fabio Perboni Open Journal Systems <p><em>Horizontes: Revista de Educação</em> is an on-line journal biannually published by the Faculty of Education of Federal University of Grande Dourados (FAED/UFGD) which aims at publicizing scientific papers resulted from undergraduate theses, final academic assignments and scientific initiation, case studies, training reports, interviews and others. The journal accepts papers written by under and postgraduate students, professors and elementary and high school teachers, prizing and sharing different experiences. Horizontes: Revista de Educação focus on themes in the fields of education and interdisciplinarity.</p><p> </p><p align="left"> </p><p align="left"> </p><p align="left"><strong><span><span><span>Qualis/CAPES:</span></span></span></strong><span><span><span> </span></span></span><span><span><span>C</span></span></span><span><span><span> (</span></span></span><a title="Other strata" href="/index.php/horizontes/about/editorialPolicies#custom-1" target="_blank"><span><span><span><span>Other strata</span></span></span></span></a><span><span><span>) <br /></span></span></span><strong><span><span><span>Knowledge Area:</span></span></span></strong><span><span><span> Education<br /></span></span></span><strong><span><span><span>Founded in:</span></span></span></strong><span><span><span><strong> </strong></span></span></span><span><span><span>201</span></span></span><span><span><span>3</span></span></span><span><span><span><br /></span></span></span><strong><span><span><span>e-ISSN: </span></span></span></strong><strong></strong>2318-1540<span><span><span><br /></span></span></span><strong><span><span><span>Short Title:</span></span></span></strong><span><span><span> Ed. Front.<br /></span></span></span><strong><span><span><span>E-mail:</span></span></span></strong><span><span><span> </span></span></span><a href="mailto:%66%61%62%69%6F%70%65%72%62%6F%6E%69@%75%66%67%64.%65%64%75.%62%72"></a><span><span><span><br /></span></span></span><strong><span><span><span>Unit:</span></span></span></strong><span><span><span> FAED<br /></span></span></span><strong><span><span><span>DOI prefix:</span></span></span></strong><span><span><span><strong> </strong></span></span></span><span><span><span>10.30612</span></span></span></p><p align="left"><strong><a title="Indexation Sources" href="/index.php/horizontes/pages/view/indexadores" target="_blank"><span><span><span>Indexation Sources</span></span></span></a></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p> A educação básica na América Latina em debate 2022-12-11T13:59:30+00:00 Andréia Vicência Vitor ALVES <p>Este dossiê propõe uma reflexão sobre a Educação Básica na América Latina. Consiste em esforços investigativos empreendidos sobre política pública, gestão e formação de professores na Educação Básica em países da América Latina, considerados de suma importância para o conhecimento da realidade educacional desses países, que de certa maneira influenciam nossa cultura. Vale dizer que esses estudos são contribuições de integrantes da pesquisa em rede “A Educação Básica em países do Mercosul, coordenado pela professora Andréia Vicência Vitor Alves, da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD).</p> 2022-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Os desafios enfrentados pelos professores alfabetizadores no contexto fronteiriço de Ponta Porã/Brasil e Pedro Juan Caballero/Paraguai 2022-12-11T14:04:09+00:00 Carolina Guane GONZALES Mara Lucineia Marques Correa BUENO <p>Esta pesquisa trata dos desafios na prática pedagógica docente da alfabetização no contexto de fronteira entre Ponta Porã/Brasil e Pedro Juan Caballero/Paraguai, envolvendo alunos paraguaios que estudam nas escolas brasileiras. Buscou-se responder ao seguinte questionamento: Quais são os desafios que os professores alfabetizadores enfrentam no contexto de fronteira? Existem políticas públicas e formação voltada para a área de fronteira? A metodologia utilizada para a realização do trabalho baseia-se na pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. O artigo foi divido em três seções, a primeira seção trata sobre o conceito de fronteira e o processo de alfabetização, a segunda seção trata sobre a realidade das cidades gêmeas lócus da pesquisa e a terceira seção trata sobre os desafios no processo de alfabetização na região de fronteira.</p> 2002-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 EDUCATION FOR CHILDHOOD: 2022-12-11T15:25:32+00:00 Luciene Cléa da SILVA Magda SARAT Natália Alvarenga RODRIGUES <p>The constitution of the history of education is linked to the social, cultural and political<br>transformations that take place in society. Consequently, the history of early childhood education<br>and the history of educational institutions that were organized to serve this specific group are also<br>related to the changes that have taken place in the environment that welcomes them. Thus, the objective<br>of this work was to know the history of childhood education on the border between Brazil and<br>Paraguay, reflecting on some particularities that constitute it and also make up the history of border<br>education. Through broader research, related to the development of the doctoral thesis “Trajectories<br>of Training of Childhood Teachers on the Border of Ponta Porã/BR and Pedro Juan Caballero/PY”<br>(SILVA, 2020) and the course conclusion work “Education for Childhood in the Border Context between<br>Ponta Porã (BR) and Pedro Juan Caballero (PY): Some Reflections” (RODRIGUES, 2021),<br>in addition to bibliographic research supported by magazines and digital books, scientific articles,<br>theses and dissertations that approached the thematic, we seek to understand how the countries<br>presented organized these educational spaces and how social and cultural relations influenced their<br>historical constitution. The results found showed few studies on the subject in this region, especially<br>with regard to research and publications focused on the border of Ponta Porã (BR) and Pedro Juan<br>Caballero (PY), thus evidencing the need to expand discussions on the subject. And expand the<br>range of investigations and learning on the subject.</p> 2002-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 EDUCATIONAL POLICIES: 2022-12-11T14:44:48+00:00 JaquelineJociele LEDUR Celia Ortegas de OLIVEIRA Ana Claudia Dantas CAVALCANTI <p>To analyze the proposals for Continuing Education of teachers, combined with the oficial<br>documents from the perceptions and experiences of teachers on the Brazil – Paraguay border region<br>is the purpose of this article. To obtain the proposed objective, we inquire: Has the Continuing Education<br>of teachers in Brazil and Paraguay contributes to the exercise of the pedagogical demands<br>existing in contemporary times? Therefore, we seek with a methodological path of biblioghraphic<br>review, document analysis in the countries of Brazil and Paraguay, fundamentally in the Education<br>Plan and in the Education laws, specifically the Directives and Bases of Education Law – LDB<br>(Brazil), and the General Education Law of Paraguay. The theoretical framework was produced<br>according to Bardin’s (1977) content analysis. The field research involved two fields, field (1) in the<br>municipality of Ponta Porã (Brazil) and field (2), in the municipality of Pedro Juan Caballero (Paraguay).<br>Data collect was carried out using a questionnaire made using Google forms. The research<br>showed that the theoretical insights of Moacir Gadotti (2010) help us to understand that Continuing<br>Education requires meanings that envolve knowledge between school and Society that are far from<br>fitting into a conception of business education used by the countries in question, impacting on the<br>quality of education.</p> 2002-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (INITIAL) IN THE EDUCATIONAL REGULATION OF BRAZIL AND URUGUAY 2022-12-11T21:56:58+00:00 Andréia Vicência Vitor ALVES Jonata Cristina dos SANTOS Giovanna de Matos Moraes CARNEIRO <p>This study aims at a comparative analysis of the current regulation on Early Childhood<br>Education in two countries that are part of Mercosur, Brazil and Uruguay, being called Early Childhood<br>Education in Brazil and Initial Education in Uruguay. The study is characterized as a documentary<br>research that has as its corpus of analysis the constitutional texts, the general laws or regulations<br>of national education and the specific laws that deal with this education in both countries. It is<br>concluded that such Education in these two countries has been presenting gains in normative terms<br>since the 1980s, after the military dictatorship, guaranteeing it as a child’s right, being mandatory for<br>children of four and five years in Brazil and of three to five years in Uruguay.</p> 2002-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 BOOK OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION TEACHER PÉ DE BRINCADEIRA: 2022-12-11T22:43:06+00:00 Janaina Bulcão de OLIVEIRA Thaise da SILVA <p>This article aims to analyze the Book of Early Childhood Education Teacher Pé de<br>brincadeira, consolidating the discourses referent to verbal language (orality, reading and writing)<br>and its approach present in this material, which in turn reveals educational practices, builds and consolidates<br>discourses. The theoretical basis will be Cultural Studies (EC) and the methodology used<br>will be qualitative, with a documental nature. Based on the analyzes carried out, it is concluded that<br>the book was prepared to legitimize the discourse of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC)<br>by implicitly and explicitly bringing fragments of this legal document in its pages. The simplistic way<br>in which the texts were prepared and presented seems inappropriate for teachers already trained<br>in higher education and the lack of mention of researchers, authors and scholars in the area also<br>draws attention.</p> 2022-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 MANAGEMENT OR DEMOCRACY: 2022-12-11T23:21:38+00:00 Caroline Touro BELUQUE Regina Celia de Morais Alves SILVA <p>This article aims to present some theoretical-critical conceptions about the concepts of<br>managerial management and democratic management. Then, we will analyze what such conceptions<br>contribute to observe about the National Council of Education - CNE and, to what extent, from<br>a look at the trajectory of the constitution of that council, we have the democratic and/or managerial<br>management marked by the actions and struggles of this important education management tool in<br>Brazil. In order to support our discussion, we will bring to light the important contributions of Gramsci<br>(2004) as a guideline in the formation thought about the concept of State, the role of citizens in face<br>of the demands of political and social articulation, as well as the regulation of this State in the face of<br>of decisions for the formation of public policies as a tool for the formation of the subject.</p> 2022-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 “LO QUE VALE EN TEORÍA, NO VALE EN LA PRÁCTICA”. 2022-12-11T23:36:44+00:00 Jorge Alarcón LEIVA Camila González CANCINO Catalina Gotelli ALVIAL <p>El Proyecto Educativo Institucional (PEI) es un instrumento político y técnico que<br>orienta el quehacer institucional, a partir de una propuesta sobre el quehacer escolar. Uno de los<br>desafíos docentes actuales reside en la exigencia de articular la gestión pedagógica de aula y<br>los lineamientos declarados en el PEI, respecto al modelo de enseñanza aprendizaje, planificación<br>de la enseñanza, evaluación de los aprendizajes, recursos educativos, desarrollo de competencias<br>TICs e inclusión educativa. En este contexto, el estudio tiene el propósito de conocer<br>la percepción de los docentes sobre la coherencia que existe entre el PEI y la gestión educativa.<br>El estudio asume un enfoque investigativo de metodología mixta, bajo el paradigma positivista<br>y hermenéutico, de tipo exploratorio. Para ello se aplicó una entrevista semi estructurada<br>cómo técnica de recolección de información, a 21 docentes de la comuna de San Javier.<br>Los principales resultados permiten concluir que los docentes comprenden y valoran la importancia del PEI. Sin embargo, no participan activamente en su elaboración, al mismo tiempo que presentan<br>una amplia comprensión de su rol profesional, pero reportan que existen factores internos y externos<br>de la profesión que limitan la implementación práctica de sus competencias en el aula.</p> 2022-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 A privatização na e da educação básica no Brasil e no Chile 2022-12-12T03:08:33+00:00 Andrêssa Gomes de Rezende ALVES Maria Dilnéia Espíndola FERNANDES <p>The paper aims to analyze the different forms of privatization of basic education that took<br>place in Chile and Brazil. Bibliographic and documental research was used, based on the analysis of<br>the Constitutions and educational legislation in force in these countries. The results show that education<br>in Chile was predominantly controlled by the private sector as a result of the neoliberal reform of<br>the 1980s and favored its total subordination to the laws of the market, in the process of privatization<br>of education. The brazilian case is marked by privatization processes in education, when the public<br>fund is disputed by different actors from the public and private sectors, when the latter are predominantly<br>presented as a public-private partnership and insert, in public educational policies, the logic<br>of the private sector.</p> 2022-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ACADEMIC PRODUCTION ON BASIC EDUCATION IN LATIN AMERICA: RESEARCH TRENDS 2022-12-12T03:29:23+00:00 Elis Regina dos Santos VIEGAS <p>the present work aims to identify and analyze works from Brazilian Postgraduate Programs<br>(strictu sensu) that focus on the production of research on basic education in the context of Latin<br>America. We carried out a survey of the state of knowledge type in the Database of Dissertations<br>and Theses of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) and in<br>the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), with qualitative support from parameterized<br>consultation with the Directory of the Research Groups (DGP) in Brazil, of the National<br>Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). In view of the mapping developed, it<br>was possible to identify that there are studies (2014 to 2020) that focus on the theme of basic education<br>in the context of Latin America, however, in view of the general quantitative observed, these are<br>considered incipient, which requires an increase on the part of of funding instances (grants, groups<br>and/or lines, projects and research partnerships) in the area of “Education” knowledge, as a way of<br>integrating countries bordering Brazil. In terms of investigative trends, we can infer that interest in<br>guidelines from international organizations is growing, which demonstrates concern on the part of<br>researchers regarding political, social and cultural interference in the region.</p> 2022-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022