An anarchist historical analysis of body inscriptions in modern western society




Anarquismo, Inscrições corporais, Estado, Autodeterminação, Automutilação


In this article, we aim to analyze the processes of stigmatization and pathologization to which certain groups of bodily inscriptions have been submitted throughout the history of modern western society. Body inscriptions are understood to be any and all modifications carried out on the body surface. While some inscriptions are exalted and praised, others are stigmatized and the target of social discrimination. We have as a theoretical lens the anarchist philosophy, in order to claim self-determination and autonomy of subjects whose inscriptions are marginalized, from those considered self-mutilation to extreme body modifications. Our method is the bibliographic review. We conclude, after a theoretical review, that the qualification of certain bodily inscriptions as accepted and positive to the detriment of the disqualification of others, which are considered negative and bizarre, are not natural processes, but rather come from the dense structuring of religious, psychiatric and political discourses. . The origin of the legitimation of certain inscriptions is the same as the delegitimation and consequent stigmatization, that is, the authority, which comes from the State, the Church and the Hospital, as we seek to argue.


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Author Biographies

Cello Latini Pfeil, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Mestrando em Filosofia (PPGF/UFRJ). Pesquisador do CPDEL/UFRJ. Coordenador da Revista Estudos Transviades. Editor da Revista Estudos Libertários e da Revista de Estudos Anarquistas e Decoloniais (UFRJ). Especialista em Teoria Psicanalítica Freud-Lacaniana (CEPCOP/USU).

Bruno Latini Pfeil, Universidade Santa Úrsula

Graduating in Psychology (USU/RJ). Graduating in Anthropology (UFF/RJ). Postgraduate in Psychoanalysis and Gender Relations: Ethics, Clinical and Politics (FAUSP). Co-founder and coordinator of the Journal Transviades Studies.


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How to Cite

Pfeil, C. L., & Pfeil, B. L. (2024). An anarchist historical analysis of body inscriptions in modern western society. Revista Eletrônica História Em Reflexão, 18(35), 62–84.