César Evangelista Fernandes BRESSANIN
Rev. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 12, n. esp. 1, e023019, 2022. e-ISSN:2237-258X
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/eduf.v12in.esp.1.17133 3
The second publication of the Research Group Directory - CNPq/PUC Goiás -
Education, History, and Memory in Different Social Spaces - EHMCES/HISTEDBR, linked to
the research line Education, Society, and Culture of the Graduate Program in Education at the
Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás, dated 2016, the work was organized by professors
Maria Zeneide Carneiro Magalhães de Almeida and José Maria Baldini, and by the doctoral
students at the time, Moisés Gregório da Silva and Denilda Caetanos de Faria.
The anthology reveals a universe of diverse investigations based on the perspective of
Education, History, and Memory, highlighting teacher training. With the contribution of several
authors, the word "Education, history and memory: Teacher training in different cultural
spaces" brings in each of its thirteen chapters a significant contribution to the reflection and
continuity of research on such an important, intriguing, and ever-urgent theme in contemporary
education, which is teacher education.
Thus, the first text in this work, authored by Faria, Silva, and Almeida, addresses "A
Educação a Distância e a formação de professores no ensino superior do Brasil: das primeiras
iniciativas à criação da UAB". It seeks to emphasize, historically, the trajectory of distance
education as a possibility for teacher training, from correspondence courses to the establishment
of the Open University of Brazil in 2006. The UAB, using Information and Communication
Technologies (ICTs), aims to "systematize actions, programs, projects, and activities aimed at
the expansion and internalization of higher education" (p. 14, our translation), especially in
teacher education. However, the authors consider this task complex and contradictory, as the
UAB needs to overcome the technological substitution model to expand access and ensure
quality in the teacher training process.
The second chapter of the anthology deals with "Fundamentos teóricos para a
compreensão do mal-estar, mal-estar docente e mal-estar docente universitário: configurações
e sentidos" and is authored by Oliveira Dias and Baldino. Intending to present the references
regarding the three highlighted themes, the authors discuss the need to reflect on them in a way
that understands their urgency in the educational scenario, as teacher discomfort has serious
consequences, both for university teachers and for the teaching and learning process and society
as a whole. Reflective in nature, the text points to paths for prolonged debates and substantial
research on university teacher discomfort.
In the third chapter, Lima and Baldino present the discussion titled "Sobre o habitus
professoral da educação profissional e tecnológica: processos cotidianos formadores da
docência universitária no Brasil como expressões de uma tradição" Based on consolidated