The paths opened by law 10.639/03 and the application of anti-racist education in legal curricula
Rev. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 13, n. 00, e023008, 2023. e-ISSN:2237-258X
DOI: 14
population in the formation of the national society, and other areas related to ethnic-racial
relations. Therefore, since the goal is to implement the proposals established by the legal texts
fully, it is essential that not only the provided education but also the selected bibliography,
teacher training, the relationship between the academic environment and society, and the
reception and integration of quota students be directly impacted. This is because the curriculum
changes will act as comprehensive incentives for the entire university education system, as
established by the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations
and the Teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture (BRASIL, 2004b, Arts. 3º,
4º, and 5º, our translation).
Art. 3° The Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations and the study of Afro-
Brazilian History and Culture, as well as African History and Culture, will be
developed through content, competencies, attitudes, and values to be
established by educational institutions and their teachers, with the support and
supervision of educational systems, maintaining entities, and pedagogical
coordination, in compliance with the indications, recommendations, and
guidelines outlined in the Opinion CNE/CP 003/2004.
§ 1° The education systems and maintaining entities will encourage create
material, financial conditions, and provide schools, teachers, and students with
bibliographic materials and other necessary educational resources for the
education addressed in the "caput" of this article.
§ 2° Pedagogical coordinators will promote the deepening of studies so that
teachers can conceive and develop units of study, projects, and programs
encompassing different curriculum components.
§ 3° The systematic teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and
Culture in Basic Education, as outlined in Law 10639/2003, specifically refers
to the curriculum components of Art Education, Literature, and Brazilian
§ 4° The education systems will encourage research on educational processes
guided by Afro-Brazilian values, worldviews, and knowledge, alongside
research of a similar nature concerning indigenous peoples, to expand and
strengthen the theoretical foundations for Brazilian education.
Art. 4° Education systems and institutions may establish communication
channels with groups from the Black Movement, Black cultural groups,
teacher training institutions, and study and research centers such as Afro-
Brazilian Study Centers to seek inputs and exchange experiences for
institutional plans, pedagogical plans, and teaching projects.
Art. 5º The education systems will implement measures to guarantee the right
of Afro-descendant students to access high-quality educational institutions
that possess modern and well-equipped facilities. These institutions will
provide courses taught by competent teachers proficient in delivering the
curriculum and dedicated to the education of Black and non-Black students.
Furthermore, these teachers will possess the capacity to address and rectify
behaviors, attitudes, and language that convey disrespect and discrimination.
It should be emphasized that anti-racist education will also contribute to research and
extension programs in legal undergraduate courses. These programs are considered important