Rev. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 14, n. 00, e024002, 2024. e-ISSN:2237-258X
DOI: 10
comprise the following subjects: [...] § 2. - The literary course of the last two
years shall include the following special subjects: Philosophy. Latin. Greek.
Portuguese, French, English, or German literature, in addition to the
continuation of the study of these languages. History of civilization (São
Paulo, 1982, p. 4101-4102, our translation).
In the Epitácio Pessoa Reform, promulgated by Decree No. 3,890, of January 1, 1901,
the Code of Official Institutes of Higher and Secondary Education was approved by the
Ministry of Justice and Interior Affairs. The primary objective was to prioritize the strategic
formation of the elite at the secondary and higher levels, following the principles of positivism,
which was the dominant ideology of the time. In this context, the absence of the philosophy
discipline in the secondary school curriculum was maintained.
In this case, higher education institutions are autonomous (according to the legislation),
allowing for the establishment of the Free Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (1908) by the
Benedictine religious order, around (neo)Thomistic guidance (according to papal instructions),
in opposition to the advancements of anti-Catholic tendencies in the country. After the new
changes promoted by the Rivadávia Corrêa Reform, established by Decree No. 8,559, of April
5, 1911, the Organic Law of Higher and Basic Education in the Republic was approved. Article
4 stands out, regulating Colégio D. Pedro II, incorporating a literary and scientific character
into the basic curriculum. However, it is noted, through Decree No. 8,660, of April 5, 1911, the
absence of the philosophy discipline in the official curriculum.
Colégio D. Pedro II represents the intentions of the republican government in the
educational field, being considered a model institution due to its imposing structure and select
faculty, composed of members from traditional, Catholic, military, and civilian institutions, as
well as representatives of state apparatuses and other sectors of civil society. According to the
official curriculum, the absence of philosophy teaching is maintained. However, in the political-
educational sphere, fundamental articulations were carried out by members of higher education
institutions of philosophy, such as professors, intellectuals, politicians, and others, allowing to
intensify the demands for the return of the philosophy discipline to secondary education.
Signs of progress in this project are evidenced by the incorporation of philosophy into
the official curriculum as an optional course by the Carlos Maximiliano Reform, established by
Decree No. 11,530, of March 18, 1915, which reorganized secondary and higher education in
the Republic.
In Article 166, philosophy is not listed among "the subjects that constitute the
gymnasium course, essential for enrollment for university entrance