Chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of concentrated containing sunflower crushed seeds


  • Rafael Henrique Tonissi Buschinelli de Goes UFGD
  • Hellen Leles Lima UFGD
  • Sara Letícia Nocchi Cerilo UFGD
  • Maria Gizelma de Menezes Gressler UFGD
  • Euclides Reuter de Oliveira UFGD
  • Kelly Cristina da Silva Brabes UFGD
  • Katherini Aline Guimarães Nogueira UFGD
  • Keila Tais Dias Veloso UFGD


beef cattle, chemical composition, NDF, ration, sunflower crushed


To evaluate the chemical composition and dry matter in vitro digestibility of concentrates with partial substitution of soybean meal with sunflower crushed, was used a randomized design with four treatments and four replications. The concentrates were composed of corn and soybean meal replaced by the sunflower crushes, in rates of 0, 20, 40 and 60%. The CP levels were not affected by the inclusion of sunflower crushed (P> 0.05), with mean of 28.1%, but the levels of EE, CF, NDF and ADF, where the replacement of 60% of soybean meal showed an average of 11.00, 14.78, 32.48 and 18.73% respectively. The increase in ADF, decreases total (TC) and non-structural (NEC) carbohydrates, DMIVD and TDN. The C00 had a higher IVDMD, 13.71% superiority of the C60, while C20 showed 8.96% of superiority. The TC and NEC reduced after 40% replacement, with an average of 57.62 and 26.15%. Concentrates with sunflower crushed presents average of NDT of 78.79%, reduction of 7.43% compared to the C00. Replacing up to 60% of soybean meal with sunflower crushed in concentrates; change the chemical composition and dry matter in vitro digestibility. 


Biografia do Autor

Rafael Henrique Tonissi Buschinelli de Goes, UFGD

Professor adunto FCA - UFGD. Bolsista CNPq

Hellen Leles Lima, UFGD

Mestre em zootecnia, PGZ/FCA. UFGD

Sara Letícia Nocchi Cerilo, UFGD

Mestre em Zootecnia / PGZ/FCA/UFGD

Maria Gizelma de Menezes Gressler, UFGD

Mestre em Ciência Animal / LANA/UFGD

Euclides Reuter de Oliveira, UFGD

Professor Adjunto FCA/UFGD

Kelly Cristina da Silva Brabes, UFGD

Professora Adjunta FAEN/UFGD

Katherini Aline Guimarães Nogueira, UFGD

Aluna curso de Zootecnia / UFGD

Keila Tais Dias Veloso, UFGD

aluna de zootecnia UFGD/FCA




Como Citar

Buschinelli de Goes, R. H. T., Lima, H. L., Cerilo, S. L. N., Gressler, M. G. de M., Oliveira, E. R. de, Brabes, K. C. da S., … Veloso, K. T. D. (2012). Chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of concentrated containing sunflower crushed seeds. Agrarian, 6(19), 90–96. Recuperado de



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